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May 22, 2020

Spirituality, spiritual healing & free will?

What is free will from a spiritual perspective?

"Free will is the freedom to interpret and respond to each moment in life".

🤔There is an argument free will is an illusion. Everything is predetermined. How does that fit with spirituality?

🔺Cause and affect is very A+B=C. It is very linear.

🔺The mind and thoughts are all about linear one way directional movement.

🔺The heart is more about multidimensional movement.

🔺I think that is why i feel this idea of ONLY cause and effect LACKS HEART and SOUL.

🔺It lacks purpose and meaning.

🔺I personally do not want to live in a world where only my past determines my future in a set in stone way.

🔺It means there is no possibility for transformation. I think life is all about the possibility and the opportunity for transformation - for growth and change.

🔺But we need to stand up and take huge responsibiloty to do that. I wonder if it is easier for people to say it is all cause and effect and opt out of engaging in the opportunities available to them in the moment.

🔺I believe free will helps us to be self determining; to make choices that effect our experience of life; if not OUR DESTINATION.



💚 As a spiritual person I know you need to...

  • Dedicate time and space in your life to staying connected to your spirit and growing your connection.
  • I have worked with thousands of people, just like you, guiding them to create a grounded soul relationship, empowering them to move through life's challenges without being overly impacted by them!

Introducing the Spiritual Healing Sanctuary 6-month membership!

  • I've crafted a powerful transformative membership experience, with a nurturing community, all set to make a significant impact on your life, health and wellbeing.  
  • This membership empowers you to tap into the vibrance of your soul, remove personal blocks, and realise your full potential. 

The Spiritual Healing Sanctuary brings together rich content, practical tools, and profound healing from Spirit, within a nurturing community for people committed to a grounded spirit connection just like you. 

In the membership enjoy bi-monthly 1.25-hour Zoom sessions, where we explore six key themes:

  • Spirit: How to raise your vibration.
  • Human Self: Mind, Intuition and Instinct
  • Soul: You are more than human.
  • Genetic Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Traumas, Triggers and Boundaries

In each twice-monthly session, you receive:

✅ SPIRITUAL HEALING - Guided by your soul and conducted by my Spirit Healer Team.

✅ ESSENTIAL INFORMATION - Crucial insights to foster positive change. 

✅ ANSWERS - Personalised answers to your questions.

✅ PRACTICAL TOOLS - exclusive practical transformational tools to work with between sessions.

REGISTER YOUR INTEREST: for the next intake in October of my membership group the SPIRITUAL HEALING SANCTUARY. Here is the WAITLIST.

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