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October 18, 2024

Overcome life's challenges & kick some serious spiritual healing butt with the support of the Goddess Kali.

How the Goddess Kali Helps You Overcome Life's Challenges.

When I began as a spiritual healer over 25 years ago, one of the first Spirits that came and worked with me was the goddess Kali. 

I will never forget the first time I saw Kali in action...

I had a client who was mentally and emotionally burdened and unwell. They were stuck in a low self-worth pattern and they were caught in believing this negative narrative about self was true. They had a truckload of evidence loaded behind this belief of their inadequacy. It was weighing them down and exacerbating depression.

Kali stepped in with her many arms and many swords of truth and she began cutting away all this illusion weighing my client down and keeping them stuck and blocked in negative perceptions of self.  

It really was mind-blowing to witness. The client felt infinitely better afterwards as well. And extremely grateful!

Since that moment in time, whenever I find myself getting in my own way and feeling stuck and blocked, I call on Kali for support. 

Before I tell you about the 50% off offer I have on my Kali online course today...

Here are my top 3 reasons why I recommend the healing light of Kali 

  1. Shifting from Limitations to Unlimited Possibilities:

    When you allow your thoughts and emotions to shape your being, you often find yourself bound by old stories from the past. These stories dictate who you believe you are in the present and even in the future. However, these outdated narratives limit your growth and potential.
    Kali helps you recognise that every moment presents an opportunity to see yourself with fresh eyes.

  2. From Mind-Centric to Heart-Centered Living:
    To release the grip of past limitations and explore the depths of your being, you must shift your focus from the mind to the heart. Your sense of self can become tied to thoughts and concepts that may not necessarily reflect your true essence. By anchoring yourself in the heart and grounding yourself in the body, you free your beliefs from the confines of the mind's rigid ideas.

    Kali takes you on a journey to truly assist you to be present in each unique moment, of your life, embracing its truth and investing your belief in the present, rather than dwelling in past complications.

  3. Updating Your Internal Story:
    The narrative you hold in yourself, your internal story of self, is crucial in shaping your experiences. To break free from playing small and shedding the suffocating stories of the past, you need to keep your inner narrative up to date. This means not getting stuck in past limitations or projecting too far into the future.

    Kali helps you to profoundly let go of the mind's stories of limitations and step into a new narrative that aligns with your true essence.


Are you ready to meet Kali and benefit from Kali's healing light?

Then click here to purchase and download my online Kali course instantly today.
For a short period of time, I am offering a 50% discount to help get you started on this journey of spiritual transformation. 

Code: 50%OFFKALI - Enter this code when you check out. 

This online course is a bargain at $48.50. It is yours to keep forever!

The course is broken into short easy-to-digest lessons and it includes a powerful guided spiritual healing meditation you can come back to and use over and over. 


💚 As a spiritual person I know you need to...

  • Dedicate time and space in your life to staying connected to your spirit and growing your connection.
  • I have worked with thousands of people, just like you, guiding them to create a grounded soul relationship, empowering them to move through life's challenges without being overly impacted by them!

Introducing the Spiritual Healing Sanctuary 6-month membership!

  • I've crafted a powerful transformative membership experience, with a nurturing community, all set to make a significant impact on your life, health and wellbeing.  
  • This membership empowers you to tap into the vibrance of your soul, remove personal blocks, and realise your full potential. 

The Spiritual Healing Sanctuary brings together rich content, practical tools, and profound healing from Spirit, within a nurturing community for people committed to a grounded spirit connection just like you. 

In the membership enjoy bi-monthly 1.25-hour Zoom sessions, where we explore six key themes:

  • Spirit: How to raise your vibration.
  • Human Self: Mind, Intuition and Instinct
  • Soul: You are more than human.
  • Genetic Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Traumas, Triggers and Boundaries

In each twice-monthly session, you receive:

✅ SPIRITUAL HEALING - Guided by your soul and conducted by my Spirit Healer Team.

✅ ESSENTIAL INFORMATION - Crucial insights to foster positive change. 

✅ ANSWERS - Personalised answers to your questions.

✅ PRACTICAL TOOLS - exclusive practical transformational tools to work with between sessions.

REGISTER YOUR INTEREST: for the next intake in October of my membership group the SPIRITUAL HEALING SANCTUARY. Here is the WAITLIST.

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