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October 11, 2024

It's so frustrating, I am doing all the right things Trina - but my digestive health is still not right!

I hear this so often in my clinic. People expressing their frustration and dismay of "I am eating right, I am managing my stress and I am taking good quality supplements but I still am bloated, my bowels aren't right and my appetite is all over the place". 

3 metaphysical reasons for digestive symptoms such as bloating, pain, constipation.

3 Common metaphysical reasons for digestion struggles.

✅ Your self esteem is running low.

What?! How does that work! It is worth hanging in there while I explain this one.

Everybody's self esteem tanks bottom out every now and then for a variety of reasons including:

  • In challenging times your self worth and self value are often gobbled up faster than they are being generated!
  • You might be like me whereby you require sustained, wakeful and aware effort to maintain healthy self esteem. 
TOP TIP: My self esteem bottoms out when I am pushing myself beyond my limits and asking more of myself than is reasonable, fair or even kind to do so. 

I use a variety of tools to add buoyancy to my self esteem. All are taught in my courses. Click here for more information.

How does self esteem relate to digestion? 

  • Your gut is constantly making important decisions as to what building blocks to absorb into the fabric and structure of your body.
  • When self esteem is low, then overwhelm, confusion and lack of clarity can set in. Decision making can become wishy washy at best. 
  • Hang in there, for the second point...

✅ On top of food, your digestive system contributes to processing your emotions and thoughts.

  • Your brain is the main centre when it comes to thinking thoughts and the heart for emotions.
  • Your digestive system helps decides which thoughts and emotions will be absorbed into the fabric of the psyche and structure of the body.
  • To decide "hmm - what becomes part of me?" There needs to be a healthy perspective of self identity to make wise choices. This of course comes back to healthy self esteem.

✅ There is a soul quality associated with digestion and it is INTENT.

  • Intent assists your digestion with the clarity and focus it needs to make healthy decisions about what nutrients, thoughts and emotions to make part of your body.
  • How? Intent assists you to be more mindful and awake to what underlies your choices. That is the will driving those choices. 
  • Anxiety, worry, rumination can scatter the soul quality of intent in the digestive system leading to sluggishness and overwhelm.

Can I make a suggestion for your self esteem and digestive health?

  • MIND: Positive self talk. You have many qualities that are a kind, caring and generous. Give these qualities your focus. Tell yourself regularly. Own your value and worth. Affirm it.
  • BODY: Listen to your body and give it time and space to rest , have fun, move, consume nutrient dense food when it calls for it. 
  • EMOTIONS: Practice self soothing activities listening to music, stretching, exercise, massage, baths, candles, journalling. What would you add to this list?
  • FREE: I suggest doing the Guided Meditation on Self Worth exercise on my website's FREE Self Healing Resources Page. CLICK HERE to access the link. Don't forget to bookmark it.
  • REGISTER: Learn about how you generate identity and worth on a deep spiritual level. Register your interest for the next intake of my membership called the SPIRITUAL HEALING SANCTUARY. Click on the name to discover more about it. There is one group doing it now and they are absolutely loving it. Here is the WAITLIST.
  • HEALING MISTS: I have a range of 5 on my website. Check them out by clicking here. Discover which one is right for you by taking this enlightening quiz by clicking here.

Do you have a topic you would like to read about in my next blog? Email me trinalucas@spirit-based-therapies.com and let me know!

My warmest wishes,


💚 As a spiritual person I know you need to...

  • Dedicate time and space in your life to staying connected to your spirit and growing your connection.
  • I have worked with thousands of people, just like you, guiding them to create a grounded soul relationship, empowering them to move through life's challenges without being overly impacted by them!

Introducing the Spiritual Healing Sanctuary 6-month membership!

  • I've crafted a powerful transformative membership experience, with a nurturing community, all set to make a significant impact on your life, health and wellbeing.  
  • This membership empowers you to tap into the vibrance of your soul, remove personal blocks, and realise your full potential. 

The Spiritual Healing Sanctuary brings together rich content, practical tools, and profound healing from Spirit, within a nurturing community for people committed to a grounded spirit connection just like you. 

In the membership enjoy bi-monthly 1.25-hour Zoom sessions, where we explore six key themes:

  • Spirit: How to raise your vibration.
  • Human Self: Mind, Intuition and Instinct
  • Soul: You are more than human.
  • Genetic Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Traumas, Triggers and Boundaries

In each twice-monthly session, you receive:

✅ SPIRITUAL HEALINGGuided by your soul and conducted by my Spirit Healer Team.

✅ ESSENTIAL INFORMATION - Crucial insights to foster positive change. 

✅ ANSWERS - Personalised answers to your questions.

✅ PRACTICAL TOOLS - exclusive practical transformational tools to work with between sessions.

REGISTER YOUR INTEREST: for the next intake in October of my membership group the SPIRITUAL HEALING SANCTUARY. Here is the WAITLIST.

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