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March 25, 2022

Spiritual Healing Past Life Memory Regression

It’s France. 1800’s. A small country road winding to a château. A carriage carrying passengers is turned on its side. The driver is injured...

This past life carriage accident is still present as a memory in Becky’s body. Her body is showing me clear images of the accident.

Lying on the treatment table, receiving a healing from my Spirit Healer Team, Becky’s body reveals to me the terror she is experiencing in the here and now is, in fact, due to the carriage accident in 1800's France. Her body asks me for support to clear out the residual trauma.

What will Becky think when I tell her about the carriage accident?

I remember thinking to myself, oh no, what is Becky going to think when I tell her what her body is showing me! I often feel this way when I see residue waiting to be processed from past lives. I knew nothing about Becky. I went into the session blind to any information about her, as is my preference with an initial consultation.

As it happened, when I revealed to Becky what I had seen, she told me she had always, for no apparent reason, had extreme anxiety when it came to driving a car, and had never been able to get her licence. What I saw, what her body revealed to me, made a lot of sense to her. 

My Spirit Healer Team cleared the carriage trauma and Becky now has a licence and drives a car anxiety free.

My Spirit Healer Team expertly assisted Becky to extract the wisdom from that horrific experience and release the trauma her psyche had been holding onto. Watching my team at work, doing their thing, is so normal to me, yet, when I pause to reflect, it is amazing to see. A veil lifts away, they surround the client, and it looks like an operation is taking place. 

I have 3 points to make to you about past life residue affecting your experience of the here and now...

✨ Every experience you have in life is an opportunity for soul growth. Some experiences deeply shape you and imprint into your body; into the fabric of your psyche. You body responds to what is present in the psyche and does not distinguish between what is happening right now and what is actually a memory imprint from the past. 

✨ It is the body which shows me the memories it is holding, and is responding to, in real time, from past lives. My Spirit Healer Team flesh out the details, where need be, such as the time period and the location. Other pertinent information, relevant to helping the client understand how the past life residue is related to their experiences of themselves in the here and now, is communicated to me to pass on as well.

✨ My almost 25 years of clinical experience means, even before a clients body notifies me of past life involvement, there are signs I notice. These include the following. 

  • The symptoms you experience are disproportionate to the situation you find yourself in. For example, trepidation and fear about driving a car becomes mystifyingly paralysing anxiety.
  • You keep finding yourself in the similar challenging circumstances, over and over, regardless of effort and toil.
  • You carry significant trauma yet cannot pin point an actual trauma that has occurred in this life.

Past lives also present to offer wisdom and gifts from past incarnations, but that is a topic for another email...

  • I do talk about this in my Facebook group called The Archangel Spiritual Healing Pathway in this weeks presentation on Archangel Uriel. You can see it by clicking here.

❝Trina is a truly gifted healer❞

"I have seen Trina for many years and she has provided immeasurable support to my family in managing our health and wellbeing. After seemingly endless tests and medical examinations, Trina assisted me to identify the underlying cause of my chronic illness. I was then able to have that diagnosis validated by my doctor and develop an appropriate treatment plan, combining both western medicine and spiritual healing. Trina’s approach is professional, empathetic and respectful. She is a truly gifted healer and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with her."

- Louise.


💚 As a spiritual person I know you need to...

  • Dedicate time and space in your life to staying connected to your spirit and growing your connection.
  • I have worked with thousands of people, just like you, guiding them to create a grounded soul relationship, empowering them to move through life's challenges without being overly impacted by them!

Introducing the Spiritual Healing Sanctuary 6-month membership!

  • I've crafted a powerful transformative membership experience, with a nurturing community, all set to make a significant impact on your life, health and wellbeing.  
  • This membership empowers you to tap into the vibrance of your soul, remove personal blocks, and realise your full potential. 

The Spiritual Healing Sanctuary brings together rich content, practical tools, and profound healing from Spirit, within a nurturing community for people committed to a grounded spirit connection just like you. 

In the membership enjoy bi-monthly 1.25-hour Zoom sessions, where we explore six key themes:

  • Spirit: How to raise your vibration.
  • Human Self: Mind, Intuition and Instinct
  • Soul: You are more than human.
  • Genetic Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Traumas, Triggers and Boundaries

In each twice-monthly session, you receive:

✅ SPIRITUAL HEALINGGuided by your soul and conducted by my Spirit Healer Team.

✅ ESSENTIAL INFORMATION - Crucial insights to foster positive change. 

✅ ANSWERS - Personalised answers to your questions.

✅ PRACTICAL TOOLS - exclusive practical transformational tools to work with between sessions.

REGISTER YOUR INTEREST: for the next intake in October of my membership group the SPIRITUAL HEALING SANCTUARY. Here is the WAITLIST.

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