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August 23, 2024

Let's talk about anger. It often gets a bad rap. We are often taught to suppress it. Feeling ashamed or guilty when it arises. However, anger, when understood and processed correctly, can be a powerful ally!

Understanding Anger

In a recent newsletter, I discussed how your body can extract nutritional nuggets of wisdom from your emotions if you allow yourself to feel emotions fully.

Anger as a Catalyst for Change

When processed effectively, anger can be a catalyst for positive change. It can drive you to address injustices, set boundaries, and make decisions that align with your values. By embracing anger, you allow yourself to tap into its potential for empowerment and transformation.

Three Steps to Harness Anger

Here are three steps to help you embrace and process your anger effectively:

  1. Acknowledge Anger Without Judgment

    • The first step is to acknowledge your anger without judging yourself. Recognise that anger is a normal, natural emotion. Instead of pushing it away, accept its presence and understand that it's trying to tell you something important.
  2. Feel the Emotion in Your Body

    • Allow yourself to feel the physical sensations of anger. Notice where it manifests in your body. Is it a tightness in your chest, a burning sensation, or tension in your muscles? By focusing on these sensations, you can prevent your mind from overanalysing the anger and becoming overwhelmed.
  3. Identify the Message

    • Once you've acknowledged and felt your anger, take a moment to identify its message. It is through the feeling of the anger that you can gain insight into its message. What boundary has been crossed? What is not okay for you in this situation? What hurt is anger trying to protect your from? Body-based intuitive knowing can provide clarity and help you set necessary boundaries.

A Personal Insight

As a practitioner, I've witnessed the transformative power of anger in many of my clients' lives. There was a time when I struggled with my own anger, feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to handle it. Learning to embrace and process my anger helped me set clearer boundaries and find a deeper sense of peace.

Remember, anger is not something to be feared or suppressed.

It's a natural emotion with a valuable message. By acknowledging and processing your anger, you can harness its power and gain clarity on what truly matters to you. If you need more guidance, we're here to support you at Spirit Based Therapies.

Stay Connected

For more insights and tips, follow us on social media or schedule a consultation today. Let's work together towards a more balanced and empowered life.

Time to commit to emotional processing, then my group The Spiritual Healing Sanctuary, might be your next step!
  • Click here to join the waitlist for my membership group, where you'll gain access to group spiritual healings, guided meditations, insightful teachings, and a supportive community of dedicated and grounded people. Sign up now and take the first step towards cultivating an internal space for self love.
  • You really will not regret it! It is a soul-connector full of wonderful authentic people keeping it real!

Free Spiritual Healing Resources:

  1. Enjoy my free quiz to discover your spiritual gifts. Start by clicking here.
  2. Join my vibrant Facebook community where we discuss the joy and spirit connection. Click here.
  3. Tap into your spirit for joy with my range of free guided meditations designed to help you align your body, mind and emotions. Sign up for free by clicking here.

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