⭐️ What is my soul purpose?
This is a question I hear frequently!
⭐️My 20 years experience as a spiritual healer & teacher has shown me soul purpose is less about a destination and is more about a state of being!
1. Does my soul have a purpose?
Yes! Your soul purpose is to have full reign of expression of its unique nature through your human experience: in your actions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and the narration of your life.
2. What is my soul nature?
Your soul has characteristics and qualities natural to it. Discovering your soul's nature, merging with it, and expressing this nature in all you are doing and being in the world - this is your soul purpose.
3. How do I live my soul purpose?
You are living soul purpose when you partake in activities which allow and enable you to connect to and express your truth - your authentic truth. Soul purpose is less about a role, responsibility or activity and more about what opportunity there is to connect with and express your unique soul truth of nature!
✨✨Would you like to discover more of the unique characteristics and nature of your soul?
✨✨Join my next online 1.5 hour Meet Your Spirit Guide workshop.
✨✨ It will affirm your knowing of your authentic and unique self!
✨✨ It will give you a tool to support you to create a deeper relationship with your soul nature.
✨✨You will walk away feeling more connected to, inspired by, and confident in how you are ALREADY living your soul purpose!
BOOKINGS: Add yourself to my waitlist and I will contact you the for the next workshop. CLICK HERE.
As a spiritual person I know you need to...
- Dedicate time and space in your life to staying connected to your spirit and growing your connection.
- I have worked with thousands of people, just like you, guiding them to create a grounded soul relationship, empowering them to move through life's challenges without being overly impacted by them!
Introducing the Spiritual Healing Sanctuary 6-month membership!
- I've crafted a powerful transformative membership experience, with a nurturing community, all set to make a significant impact on your life, health and wellbeing.
- This membership empowers you to tap into the vibrance of your soul, remove personal blocks, and realise your full potential.
The Spiritual Healing Sanctuary brings together rich content, practical tools, and profound healing from Spirit, within a nurturing community for people committed to a grounded spirit connection just like you.
In the membership enjoy bi-monthly 1.25-hour Zoom sessions, where we explore six key themes:
- Spirit: How to raise your vibration.
- Human Self: Mind, Intuition and Instinct
- Soul: You are more than human.
- Genetic Healing
- Past Life Healing
- Traumas, Triggers and Boundaries
In each twice-monthly session, you receive:
SPIRITUAL HEALING - Guided by your soul and conducted by my Spirit Healer Team.
ESSENTIAL INFORMATION - Crucial insights to foster positive change.
ANSWERS - Personalised answers to your questions.
PRACTICAL TOOLS - exclusive practical transformational tools to work with between sessions.
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST: for the next intake in October of my membership group the SPIRITUAL HEALING SANCTUARY. Here is the WAITLIST.