Archangel Uriel Medicine Mist: Live your POTENTIAL.
•Align to your SOUL PATH - your direction, purpose, and meaningful reason for existence.
• Restore clarity.
• Unblock, release stagnation, refocus and get back on track.
• Enable your mind, body and emotions to flourish.
• Contains the healing energy of Spirit and the essence of Juniper Berry.
What are Spirit Healing Mists?
The Spirit Healing Mists are spiritual healing supplements for your body and your life. They contain Spirit Light, which is not only very wise, but it also has unity, wholeness, balance, harmony and benevolence at its heart. Spirit light changes consciousness. Consciousness is all the data and information underpinning your biochemistry, feelings, emotions and thoughts. When you change consciousness all these levels are positively affected.
What makes them unique?
Each Spirit Healing Mist contains powerful concentrated doses of Spirit light. For over 20 years I have built a strong and solid connection to spirit. Through my channel I have access to a wide variety of spirits who offer their specialised healing light to evoke positive transformational change. I am able to bring through concentrated doses of spirit light for healing with clarity and accuracy.
My Spirit Healer Team have taught me a process to deliver packages of spirit light into a water medium to be delivered to you for healing. Each spirit in each mist is complemented with a different flower essence. The Spirit Healing Mists are a simple and unique way for you to access spirit light for healing daily!
Why use the mists?
The mists are a simple, easy and quick way to complement your health care with spiritual healing. They work very well alongside other healthcare modalities. They work alone too. The Spirit Light in each mist changes your vibration to deliver positive change to your body, mind, emotions and behaviours.
What is the dosage?
Spray 3 bursts frequently on your body, home, car, work - anywhere you require transformation with self-love! Use 3 times a day for best results. You can use more frequently when required.
30ml - $29.95
50ml - $49.95